Uncategorized Archives | The Gateway School in Carteret NJ


Welcome to Gateway School – September 2020!

The Gateway School an private special education school in New Jersey Request a Tour 732.541.4400 Our Mission at The Gateway School is to help all of our special needs students with the learning, social, language, and behavioral support they deserve. Our highly skilled staff are committed daily to helping each student to becoming the best […]

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Indoor and Outdoor Activities to keep your child occupied

Every parent is struggling right now to manage work or unemployment with everyone at home together, but parents of special needs kids have a particularly difficult job. Family routines have been disrupted, social outlets have been removed, and professional supports have been decreased or eliminated.  Create a flexible routine​Routines can create structure and give your […]

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Multi-Cultural Day

On Friday, March 16th, 2018 our elementary and middle school students participated in Multi-Cultural Day. The students began this assignment last week with the collaboration between the families and teachers. Once the students had their country, they began researching the country in our STEM Lab.   After completing all the research, the students began their […]

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St. Patrick’s Day Dance

The students at the Gateway School had a fun time at the St. Patrick’s Day Dance. Each class had a huge role in making the dance happen! The students worked on having responsibility when given a specific task.   The high-schoolers shopped at ShopRite and worked on their daily life skills (etc. money, communication) to […]

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