From web-based instruction to communication devices, at Gateway School, we infuse technological support and learning across all areas of our program. Each of our classrooms has a combination of desktop and laptop computers, Chromebooks, an interactive whiteboard system, and iPads. Instruction incorporates web-based activities and assessment, utilizing programs such as IXL, a groundbreaking platform and […]
Continue readingAt Gateway School, we use technology to provide a deeply engaging academic experience for our students. Each of our classrooms has a combination of desktop and laptop computers, Google Chromebooks, an interactive whiteboard system, and iPads. All students receive personal accounts so families can follow-up, reinforce, and monitor their child’s progress. Instruction incorporates web-based activities […]
Continue readingThe transition from special needs student to functioning adults begins with indicating goals and challenges within the already existing student’s respective IEP (Individualized Education Program), begins at the age of 14. As required by a state’s specific special education rules and regulations, the IEP is usually reviewed on a yearly basis allowing the transition plan […]
Continue readingAt the Gateway School, our goal is for students to become as independent as possible as they mature. To facilitate a student’s functional communication we use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems to develop receptive/expressive and social language skills. It is important to note that AAC users span a full range of age, physical, and […]
Continue readingCongratulations! You now have an adult on your hands. However, this adult still needs our assistance as they transition into independent living.If they had applied for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Medicaid will come with the SSI approval. Once again, carefully review and consult with your state’s individual regulations. By now, all matters related to […]
Continue readingBeing the parent of a special needs teenager is fraught with uncertainty. As the loving step-parent of a 15-year-old boy diagnosed with autism, the kinds of questions that keep my husband and me up at night range from, “Will he ever eat anything besides peanut butter sandwiches?” to “Who is going to care for him […]
Continue readingYou don’t get anything in life, unless you ask.This is the old, hard-edged version of what is still essential advice for any young person. There’s another phrase about a silver platter but let’s move on to modern times. The term is self-advocacy. It refers to a person’s ability to effectively communicate and assert his or […]
Continue readingYou will read a great deal about the academics and life skills offered at a special needs school. The most important question remaining is how the school maintains an environment conducive to such training. Gateway School coordinates with organizations from the international level to the local level to ensure the safest setting for its students. […]
Continue readingMake no mistake about it. We could all use a strategy or two when it comes to managing money. Perhaps when you are done reading this, you will pick up some tips for yourself.These strategies, however, are specifically designed to assist special needs students with a crucial skill for the transition to adult living: money […]
Continue readingGateway School recently posted about one of the most vital topics and primary goals of our schools: soft skills in the employment environment. These soft skills are the result of several decades of research that culminated in the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) developing a special curriculum, entitled Soft Skills […]
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