Technology at the Gateway School: Proloquo2Go on the iPad

Technology used at the Gateway School: Proloquo2Go™ on the iPad and other IOS devices
Proloquo2Go™ is an AAC application for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch devices designed to promote growth of communication skills and foster language development. It provides a "voice" for people who may have difficulty speaking as a result of conditions that they have experienced from birth (cerebral palsy, autism, apraxia, developmental disabilities), or later in life.
Proloquo2Go™ is a broadly applicable solution with ease of use and customization for children, teens, and adults. With three research-based vocabularies to help students quickly create an efficient communication system, Proloquo2Go™ is a complete communication solution.
With Proloquo2Go™ students can access many natural sounding text-to-speech voices, over 10,000 up-to-date symbols, powerful automatic conjugations, advanced word prediction, multi-user support, and the ability to fully customize vocabularies to meet their needs, from beginning symbolic communication to the formulation of sentences.
The Basic Communication vocabulary is designed for new communicators at the one and two-word levels to promote developmental progression in communication skills. The Intermediate and Advanced Core Word vocabularies allow for efficient access to the most frequently used words in English, along with a rich array of fringe vocabulary to allow for precise expression and vocabulary growth.
Proloquo2Go™ in the classroom can be an effective tool for expanding language and developing social language skills. It can be used to build a student’s expressive abilities to promote increased vocabulary and expand conversations with peers. This application aims to provide the support necessary to assist students in reaching their full communication potential.
Other key benefits for learning include:
- Longer interactions
- Increased attention to interaction
- Greater enjoyment of interactions
- Increased independence initiating communication
Furthermore, since behavior is a form of communication, students with communication difficulties may often feel frustrated in classroom settings and act out their frustration when they are unable to use words. Proloquo2Go™ offers these students a way to express their feelings, needs, and wants, as well as connect with others. This goes a long way to reducing frustration and positively impacting pro-social behavior.
Request a Tour of The Gateway School

Since 1980, RKS Associates has been a leader in providing the needs of special education students and helping children grow to their fullest potential. Each of our schools seeks to empower each student with skills for life, work, and recreation; we believe that every individual possesses the dignity and potential to contribute to a better world.
As part of the RKS Associates Network of schools in New Jersey, the goal at the Gateway School is to assist all students in becoming as independent as possible and help them get ready for the future. Located in Carteret, NJ, we serve individuals throughout Central and Northern New Jersey. Contact us at our main office at 732.541.4400 with any questions or schedule a private tour of the Gateway School today.
Chris Hoye, Principal-The Gateway School of Carteret, NJ