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Lunch and Learn: Swim Team

This past Wednesday, Gateway School hosted a Lunch and Learn inviting parents and districts to watch the movie, Swim Team.

Below is a description on the movie about these young men and their great achievements that occur during their time on the swim team.

In New Jersey, the parents of a boy on the autism spectrum take matters into their own hands. They form a competitive swim team, recruiting diverse teens on the spectrum and training them with high expectations and zero pity. Swim Team chronicles the extraordinary rise of the Jersey Hammerheads, capturing a moving quest for inclusion, independence and a life that feels winning. Swim Team has screened at over 50 international film festivals, won over 10 awards, was released theatrically in the US with its debut at New York’s IFC Center and aired on PBS’ acclaimed non-fiction showcase POV.

To learn more about this movie, please click on SWIM TEAM to be forwarded to the website.

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