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Thanksgiving Celebration 2021!

The Thanksgiving Celebration this year at Gateway was filled with many activities. Room 205 had a “Disguise the Turkey” Contest.  Anyone who participated had to disguise the turkey on the paper – creativity was important! Room 205 picked a winner in each class.  Everyone did an awesome job and it was fun to see them hung in the hallway!

We also had a Centerpiece Contest for our feast day! Classes were encouraged to think outside the box and there were lots of fun centerpieces.! The winning classroom was Ms. Leonard’s class – Room 206 – congratulations!

Then there was our Thanksgiving meal!  It wasn’t just about eating – each class was given a job that helped prepare the meal. The assignments helped work on Activities of Daily Living Skills. It meant they could practice using a can opener and pouring food into tins, work on cooking skills, organize the bags for the classrooms with cups, plates and utensils, and delivery of items.

Students came down from their classrooms to make their own choices from many delicious foods: green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, stuffing, turkey and gravy. Thanks to our related services staff and administration to help get everyone served. A thank you to our 4 staff members who donated and cooked the Tom Turkeys . . . Dr. Hoye, Ms. Mary Beth, Ms. Jen, and Nurse Linda!

Enjoy the pictures from Gateway Thanksgiving 2021!
Disguised Turkeys!


Thanksgiving Centerpieces!

Prepping for the meal!

The Meal!








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